Ariston quarries are located on Mt.Falakro, near the village Granitis or Graniti of Drama, part of Macedonia, in North Greece.
Marble quarriers of Drama area are well known not only for extracting Ariston (Kyknos White) but many other types of grey-whitish & almost milky white Greek marble that are famous and popular in the intl market, as well. |
Quarries are not ancient, as the ones of Thassos ( another famous Greek marble ), as this premium, almost pure white stone, has been excavated only for the last decades.
During the most productive exploitation time ( spring, summer & autumn ), there are extracted, with the most modern excavation and enviroment friendly methods, large quantities of the best stone selections. |
From the best White Ariston quarries is strictly selected the Extra quality. It is available in raw, squared blocks, slabs and tiles (standard or cut-to-size). All above, of the finest quality, are elaborated and supplied by a most modern and efficient industry.
Although a new comer, it has already achieved to be #1 of the Greek white marble and has been used in several prestigious worldwide projects. |
Upstanding stone walls of White Ariston - Kyknos White in Granitis Drama, Greece, Marble quarry. | Quarries Stone Industry Projects |